Friday, August 31
12:30-2pm, Flying Bats Painting Course – Learn painting, enjoy some wine. Fee $25 (sold out), Cheryl Suitor
2-3pm, Caving First Aid – A review of common injuries and illnesses likely to be encountered during a caving trip and how to deal with them. This is geared toward the beginner or the person with little or no Fist Aid/Medical experience. Also, what to carry in your cave pack for cave first aid. Stephen Mosberg
4-5pm, Show Me the Money – Where to Get Grants For Your Caving Projects, Dave Field
6-7pm, A Holiday in Cambodia – First Ever American Expedition to Cambodia, Abbe Hamilton
7-7:30pm, Caving in Laos,Peter Lenahan
Saturday, September 1
9-11am, Sketching Course – Session will focus on using sketching skills for individual artwork. Includes graphite, pen and fine pencil sketching; learn shading, contour, texture and working with negative spaces. Course is $5, which includes some sketching pencils and paper. Carolina Shrewsbury
11am-12:30pm, Caving Yoga – How to Condition so You Can Contort Through Those Tight Crawls, Twila Neeld-Bracken
1-2pm, Bat Studies in Fiji, Emily Davis and Micheal Warner – Speleobooks
2-3:30pm, Cave Rescue – What cave rescue is all about, who does it, how you can get involved, what you can do to prevent needing a rescue, Bru Randall
4-5pm, Thai Cave Rescue – An Australian documentary on the Thai Soccer Team rescue will be shown, followed by discussion. Zachary Simonetti
6-7:30pm, WV Speleological Survey group meeting, George Dasher
Sunday, September 3
12-2pm, 2020 NSS National Convention Planning Presentation – The NSS National Convention will be held at the OTR site in 2020. Please come and hear the plans and volunteer to assist in making this a successful convention. Rich Geisler