General Info

Date and Time:  The event always happens at the same time of year every year.  Noon on Thursday to noon on Monday (Labor Day)    For 2025 the dates will be Thursday August 28th through Monday September 1st.   It is important to note that attendees ARE NOT allowed on the campground prior to noon on Thursday and must be off the facility by noon on Monday.

Charging Station:  The only spot where electricity is available to OTR attendees is the Charging Station, located on Old Timers Road (the main entrance road) between Sinking Street and Borehole Road. You can plug your device into an electric outlet, then secure it in a locker while charging (bring your own charger and lock). There’s also a work station shelf where you can check your e-mails while charging, although we cannot guarantee that Wi-Fi Internet will always be available. Please retrieve your item within a few hours. OTR and TRA are not responsible for the security of your device, and we may have to cut off unattended locks after 24 hours (using bolt cutters). Unfortunately, our power grid does not have the capacity to charge EVs.

Coot-Root-Toot meaning: OTR has established ceremonial designations based on how many OTRs you have attended. ‘COOT’ stands for Certified Original Old Timer, someone who has attended 20 OTRs or more. By last count, our membership includes 341 COOTS. The ‘ROOT’ designation honors those Real Original Old Timers who have attended 40 plus OTRs with 92 ROOTs in our ranks. Finally, the esteemed title of ‘TOOT’ (Terrifically Original Old Timer, or Truly Original Old Timer) is an individual with 60 or more OTRs under their belt — quite an achievement! This year, FIVE individuals have qualified as TOOTs. (Statistics are as of last year’s OTR, not overall TRA membership.)

Grounds: Tireless volunteer volunteers groom our site year-round. Please clean up after yourself and leave your campsite better than when you found it. Dumpsters are provided along Old Timers Road.

Ice: You can purchase ice at the First Aid Station and at the Gate. Ice tickets can be purchased at the First Aid Station, Registration, and the OTR Merch Tent. The Gate Crew accepts only tickets (no cash) for ice purchases, and the First Aid Station accepts tickets or cash.

Lost & Found: It’s located at Registration. Similarly, if you find something, please give it to a Security team member or bring it yourself to Registration. And thanks! Most items left behind after OTR has ended will be discarded, although some valuables are retained. If you get back home after OTR and find you’re missing something, contact the Chair (

OTR Themes: Beginning around 2000, Old Timers Reunion has followed an overall fun ‘theme’ (decided by the Chair) as a way to drive the decorations, music, merchandise and other fun activities outside of the regularly scheduled OTR activities. Some of the themes over time;  A Look Back, Casino, Pirates of the Carabiner (pirate theme), Light Up the Night (lots of night-time activities), Tex-Mex, Masters of the Night (early halloween), Knights of the Blue Moon (Medieval/Monty Python Holy Grail), Oktoberfest, Cavestock (Woodstock), Western theme (with Blazing Saddles influence), College frat theme (Animal House influence), early Christmas.

  • 1999 – 50th OTR – A Golden Anniversary
  • 2001 – 52nd OTR – 2001 A Cave Odyssey
  • 2019 – 70th OTR – Celebrating the 70’s a nod to the 70th OTR
  • 2020 – NO OTR DUE TO COVID – Was going to be the Hatfield’s and McCoy’s with an emphasis on the Appalachia Heritage of music and dance.
  • 2021 – NO OTR DUE TO COVID – Was going to be the Hatfield’s and McCoy’s with an emphasis on the Appalachia Heritage of music and dance
  • 2022 – 71st OTR – Family Reunion an inspiration on why we gather.
  • 2023 – 72nd OTR -The Roaring 20’s and all the Flapper and Gangster fun and games!
  • 2024 – 73rd OTR – Caves, Cavers, and Caving celebrating the common thread we all share.
  • 2025 – 74th OTR – Cavers in Wonderland a Alice in Wonderland inspired theme
  • 2026 – 75th OTR – TBA

Picnic Tables: OTR does not provide any picnic tables for individual use. The ones you see people take to their campsites belong to them or their grotto. Do not take any of the OTR tables without permission of the OTR Chair.  Picnic tables left at campsites after OTR will be considered abandoned and may be sacrificed to the bonfire.

River Activities and Protocol: You want to get wet? We’re fortunate to have a lazy, shallow river where you can splash and play to your heart’s delight. Just please use the new River Access stairs for ingress and egress. This especially applies to the Sunday River Party, when the stairs at the River Stage are closed off (due to the band and the large number of people). As you hopefully know by now, please do not bring GLASS containers to the river, and leave nothing behind when you leave.

Showers: Our shower buildings continue to receive big and small ongoing upgrades, including a complete makeover the past two years, thanks to the efforts of a talented team of TRA Volunteers who possess a variety of construction skills. The showers are closed daily for cleaning which is typically just before noon.  Be sure to thank any TRA Volunteers or shower cleaning staff when you use the facilities.