Old Timers Reunion is a sanguine, specious, and spectacular event that could not happen without the tireless and unselfish assistance of the following esteemed colleagues, many of whom give countless days and hours of their personal time in order that all attendees will have a great OTR experience and keep coming back, year after year. We would be truly remiss to not recognize, honor, and thank these wonderful, wily, and whimsical Wunderkinds.
Chairwoman: Sarah Richards
Treasurer: Pat Cuttier
Executive Assistant to the OTR Chairman: Gretchen Poffenbarger
Saturday Festival Coordinator: Dave Akers
Awards Ceremony: Fang, Jeremy Browning
Bonfire Design: Maria Gibbs & the PAG Crew (Sherry Hall, Jody & Tom Brookover, Brad Obrecht, Chuck Schoppert, Mike Snyder)
Breakdown Press: Bob Hoke
Brew Crew: Todd & Diane Bozenbury, Jean DeVries & Crew
Campground Decorations: Norma Dee Peacock
Campground Infrastructure Site Mapping: Barry Cupp
Carpenter: Charles Kahn
Children’s Activities: Jessica Vitela, Larry “Batman” Rohr
Communications (2-way radios): Scott Davis
Contests and Speleo-Olympics: Sharon Brinkman-Windle, Connor Wickline, Sean Phillips
Coot & Holler Gazette: Meredith Weberg
Cooters Pub: Shack, Sidney Hawkins, Colin Lynch, Bobbie & Dave Seng
Cooters Texas Hold ‘em Tournament: Kelley Deem, Paul Conover
Decontamination Station: Jim Forsythe
Dirty Deeds: Dave Woods, Denny Woods
Doo-Dah Parade Grand Marshal: Emily Davis
Electricians: Bill Bradwell, Greg Phillips, Andy Celmer, Gene Harrison
Event Tent Hosts: Dave Field, Sarah Mosberg, Cindy Manley
Fire Artists: Mike Rusin (FART Coordinator), Randy Williams (Senior FARTist), Carl Conover (FARTist), Zach Williams (FARTist), Tom Erb (Exec. chef and utility player), and Judy Koon (Logistics Queen)
First-Aid: Phil Goldman, Stephen Mosberg
Gate Crew Chiefs: Sara Bidlespacher, Lyndsey Cameron, Jeff Waddel
Graphic Artist: Amanda Willis
Grounds: Lucian Dean, Joe Brown, Joel Reed
Guidebook: Gary Gibula (editor), Sarah Richards (proofreader)
Handyman and Fixer of All Things: Bud Shaw
Home Brew Gathering: Bill Ridgely, Wendy Aaronson
Homemade Wine Competition: Bob Oehler
Horticulture and Site Beautification: Deb Mixon, Patti Taylor, Michelle Maurin, Mark Nard, Joanna Fitzick, Becca Shaw
Kiddie Korral Movies, Slide Show: Dead Puppies Grotto
Live Entertainment Coordinator: Jim Moen
Lutz Rock Memorial Ceremony: Jim Forsythe, Lor Windle
Merchandise: Lauren Panzo, Sarah Richards, Amanda Willis
Museum: Steve Luke, Patty Biddison, Patti Fredericks
Pavilion Decorations: Maria Gibbs & the PAG Crew (Sherry Hall, Jody & Tom Brookover, Brad Obrecht, Chuck Schoppert, Mike Snyder)
Plumbers: Jim Forsythe, Mike Frymyer
Pre-Event Gate Crew: Drew Simmons
Pre-Registration Team: Kat Crispin, Bobbie Seng, Zach Simonetti, Scott Baker, Pat Cuttier, Lauren Panzo, Sarah Richards
Prom Committee: Gretchen Poffenbarger, Maria Gibbs, Lauren Panzo, Sidney Hawkins, Sharon Brinkman-Windle, Amanda Willis, Deb Mixon, Nina Pinder-Shields
Registration: Kat Crispin (Chief), Bobbie Seng (Chief), Bill Boehle (Asst. Chief), Steve McLuckie (Asst. Chief)
Sauna: Rich Geisler, Alan Staiman, Jim Perkins
Security: Tim Ayers (Chief), Rich Monty (Asst. Chief), Deputies: Dave Akers, Bill Bradwell, Lor Windle, Melissa Ward
Security Team: Patch Adams, Kevin Almarode, Annette Conover, Carl Conover, Paul Conover, Steve Frankhouser, Margot Geisler, Terry King, Judy Koon, Bru Randall, Susi Weston
Site Fire Safety: Scott Baker
Site Safety: Mike Rusin
Social Media: Amanda Willis
Sound and Music Krewe: ‘Grateful Gary’ Gibula
TRA Elections: Susan Nettles
Vendor Coordinator: Dave Fricke
Virgin Guidebook: Ruth Williams
Website: Zach Simonetti
Social Media: Amanda Willis
Wild Side: Laylin Brown, Daniel Hempel, Brian Cunningham