OTR 2024 Schedule of Events


12 noon               OTR opens 

12 PM-11 PM      Registration Office open 

12 noon               Cooters Pub opens 

12 noon               Sauna opens 

12 noon               OTR Scavenger Hunt Contest begins (Pavilion) 

12 PM-4 PM        OTR Museum open 

12 PM-4 PM        OTR Merchandise Sales open (Merch Tent) 

6-7:30 PM           Opening Ceremony / Memorial Tribute (Memorial Garden) 

7-9 PM                Decontamination Station open 

8 PM                   Welcoming of OTR Virgins (Bonfire) 

8:30 PM              Lighting of the Bonfire 

Dusk (±8:30)       Movie (Crawl-In Theater) 

9 PM-12 AM        Live music: ♪ Grateful Gary (Pavilion) 

9-11 PM              OTR Virgin & Sponsor Reception (Event Tent) 

2 AM                   Last Call at Cooters Pub (may close earlier) 

4 AM                   Sauna closes 



8-10 AM              Decontamination Station open 

9 AM-11 PM        Registration Office open 

9 AM                   Speleoprintmaking Workshop (Event Tent) 

10 AM                 Cooters Pub opens 

10 AM                 Sauna opens 

11 AM-4 PM        Speleo-Obstacle Course open 

11 AM-4 PM        OTR Museum open 

12 noon               The Raunchy River Jam (River Stage) 

12:30 PM            Wool Needle Felting Workshop (Event Tent) 

1 PM                   The 7th Annual ROOTs & TOOTs Social (Cooters) 

3-5 PM                OTR Merchandise Sales open (Merch Tent) 

3-4 PM                1950s Society Reception (Event Tent) 

5-6 PM                Long-Range Radio Presentation (Event Tent) 

5-7 PM                Live music: ♪ Shanty Irish (Cooters) 

7-9 PM                Decontamination Station open 

8 PM                   Brew Crew opens (Pavilion) 

Dusk (±8:30)       Movie (Crawl-In Theater) 

9 PM-12 AM        Live music: ♪ Jake Dunn & the Blackbirds (Pavilion) 

2 AM                    Last Call at Cooters Pub (may close earlier) 

2 AM                    Last Call at Brew Crew 

4 AM                    Sauna closes 



8 AM                    OTR 5K Run/Walk (meet at Front Gate at 7:30 AM) 

8-9 AM                 Yoga for Cavers (Event Tent) 

8-10 AM               Decontamination Station open 

9 AM-9 PM          Registration Office open 

9 AM                    Vertical (rope) Contests begin (Pavilion) 

9 AM                    Cable Ladder Contests begin 

9 AM-12 PM        Garden Stepping Stone Workshop (Event Tent) 

9:30 AM               Long-Range Planning Committee (AVP camp-behind WOTR) 

10 AM                  Cooters Pub opens

10 AM-12 PM      Sauna opens – Textiles Only 

11 AM                  Carbide Lamp, Cave Quiz, OTR Trivia, Poster & Chug Contests (Pavilion) 

11 AM                  Cave Pack, Maggot Races, Sleeping Bag Contest (behind Pavilion) 

11 AM                  ‘Batman the Magician’ (Pavilion) 

11 AM-4 PM        OTR Museum open 

11 AM-4 PM        Speleo-Obstacle Course open 

12 noon              The 7th Annual Bubbles Fun Run (Memorial Garden) 

12 noon              The Raunchy River Jam (River Stage) 

12 noon              Children’s Activities-following ‘Batman the Magician’ (Pavilion) 

12-2 PM              Live music: ♪ Grateful Gary ♪ (Pavilion) 

12-4 PM              Brew Crew open (Pavilion) 

1-2 PM                TRA Town Hall Meeting (near Bonfire) 

1-3 PM                ‘When Guano Happens’ ER-NCRC Presentation (Event Tent) 

2-4 PM                Live music: ♪ Tim White & JB Stalnaker ♪ ( Pavilion) 

3-5 PM                OTR Merchandise Sales open (Merch Tent) 

3-4:30 PM           The Geology of Caves Presentation (Event Tent) 

5-6 PM WV          Fossil Discovery Presentation (Event Tent) 

6:30 PM               West Virginia Speleological Survey Fall Business Mtg (Event Tent) 

7 PM                    The 36th Annual Doo-Dah (Homecoming) Parade  

7-9 PM                 Decontamination Station open 

8 PM                    Brew Crew opens (Pavilion) 

8:15-9:15 PM       Photo Booth Prom Pics (Cooters) 

Dusk (±8:30)        Movie (Crawl-In Theater) 

8:30 PM               Cave Photography Presentation (Event Tent) 

8:30 PM               Cave Prom Announcements and Introductions (Pavilion) 

9 PM-12 AM         Live music: ♪ Driftwood ♪ (Pavilion) 

2 AM                     Last Call at Cooters Pub (may close earlier) 

2 AM                     Last Call at Brew Crew 

4 AM                     Sauna closes 



8 AM                     Gathering of Believers (Memorial Garden) 

8-9 AM                  Yoga for Cavers (Event Tent) 

8-10 AM                Decontamination Station open 

9 AM-1 PM            OTR Yard Sale (Pavilion) 

9-11 AM                 OTR Merchandise Sales, at Yard Sale (Pavilion) 

9 AM-4 PM            TRA Elections (Pavilion) 

9 AM-4 PM            Registration Office open 

9:30 AM-12 noon   The Robertson Association Board Meeting (Event Tent) 

10 AM                    Sauna opens 

10 AM                    Quilters Guild meets (Cooters)

12-4 PM                OTR Museum open 

12 noon                 OTR Winemakers Guild (near First Aid) 

1 PM                      Cooters Pub opens 

2-5 PM                   River Party; Live music: The Plate Scrapers ♪♪♪ (Tygart River) 

7-9 PM                   Decontamination Station open 

8 PM                      TRA/OTR Awards Ceremony (Pavilion) 

8 PM                     Brew Crew opens (Pavilion) 

10 PM                   Band Aide live music: ♪ Buzzz City ♪ (Pavilion) 

12 AM                   Last Call at Brew Crew (Pavilion) 

12 AM                   Last Call at Cooters Pub (may close earlier) 

4 AM                     Sauna closes for OTR 2024 



12 noon                OTR 2024 concludes