Event Tent Schedule

2024 OTR Event Tent Schedule



9 PM  Virgin Reception 

Please join us for a special Welcome Reception for OTR Virgins and their Sponsors Thursday evening around 9-ish for a Virgin Reception at The Event Tent located at the end of Vendor’s Row. Things will start rolling right after the Bonfire Ceremony (don’t forget to pick up your Virgin Booklet there) We promise no Virgin sacrifices! We simply want to WELCOME first time attendees to the Annual Old Timers Reunion. Come meet and greet some of OTR’s core staff and resources and get some signatures for that Virgin guide you just picked up. You’ll meet other Virgins, maybe plan some cave trips, and have some light refreshments. Many people report meeting the very best of people at OTR for lifelong friendships. 


9 AM –
12 NOON 
Speleoprintmaking Workshop
Kara Bond 

In the style of traditional printmaking, you will learn to carve and print your own interpretations of cave life. We’ll provide all the printmaking supplies and pictures of various underground wonders, but if you have a favorite photo of a bat, cave salamander, or formation to use as inspiration, please bring it!  This is a family-friendly activity for all ages and stages. The ink is permanent, so wear old clothes!  

***Donations of any amount are welcome to offset the cost of materials. 

12:30 PM – 2:30 PM  Wool Needle Felting
Lynne Smith 

Learn how to paint with wool! It is a 2D needle felting process whereby you pick a theme, copy the design onto flat wool sheets or another type of fabric, and then proceed to “paint” it with different color wools using felting needles. 

***$15 instructor fee required. A limited number of kits will be available for an additional $15. 

3 PM –
4 PM  
1950 Society Reception 

Prospective and current 1950 Society members are invited to share a pleasant afternoon and learn about our mission and passion. Light refreshments will be served. 

5 PM –
6 PM 
Meshtastic® – LoRa Communication
Justin Arthur 

Meshtastic® is a project that lets you use inexpensive LoRa radios as a long range off-grid communicator for areas without reliable cellular service. Learn all about it here! 


8 AM –
9 AM 
Yoga for Cavers
Emilee Goodman 

Emilee will lead a Hatha Yoga class. This gentle yoga practice helps to revitalize the body and mind to promote overall strength and well-being. “Yoga is a great way to prevent injuries and decrease recovery time physically, while meditation and breath work help with focus and emotional resilience. These skills are helpful in the cave and beyond,” she says. 

We will focus on poses that encourage strength, flexibility, balance, and relaxation. This class is appropriate for all ages and fitness levels! Treat yourself right by exploring the wonderful world of yoga this week. Emilee is excited to share her practice with you.  

Please bring a yoga mat or towel as well as some water. 

9 AM –
12 NOON 
Garden Stepping Stone workshop
Hannah Davis 

Join Hannah as she teaches you how to make beautiful Garden Stepping Stones!  

***$10 suggested donation to cover materials 

12 NOON – 2 PM  American Red Cross First Aid and ADULT CPR/AED
Mike Tripodi 

American Red Cross First Aid training classes give you the information and the skills you need to help adults during many emergency situations. The First Aid training and certification process takes just a few hours to complete, but can help you deliver to the care that someone needs while waiting for medical professionals to arrive. Course is 2 hours long.

Any questions please email esftripod@gmail.com with “OTR CPR” in the subject line.  

***Cost is $60 and includes digital book and certification good for 2 years. Cash or Venmo will be accepted on site. 

2 PM –
3 PM 
Presentation by the Eastern Region National Cave Rescue Commission (ER-NCRC)  

What you need to know about Cave Rescue and how YOU can be one of those who helps. Meet representatives of the various cave rescue organizations in the mid-Atlantic states/Eastern Region to learn how you can join and how you can help your fellow cavers WHEN GUANO HAPPENS! 

3 PM – 4:30 PM  Geology of Caves
Katie Schmidt and Wayne Perkins 

Geology of caves for cavers and their kids. Geology for ALL ages (of people). 

5 PM –
6 PM 
Smilodon and Other Prehistoric Cats from West Virginia Caves 
by E. Ray Garton 

Abstract: Cavers are invaluable partners in the discovery of Pleistocene (Ice Age) micro and megafauna bone deposits in caves. Cavers have been the eyes and muscle to paleontologists for decades. Nowhere is this more evident than in West Virginia. Cavers have helped paleontologists understand the distribution and impact these Ice Age animals had on our world. This presentation will focus on the discovery of Smilodon and other Ice Age Cats Found in West Virginia Caves. These big cats include Saber tooth cat Smilodon fatalis, Jaguar, Panthera onca augusa and Cheetah, Miracinonys inexpectatus. Many of the initial discoveries were made by cavers and the specimens recovered by cavers under the guidance of Guilday, Grady, Garton, Whittemore, Hamilton, McDonald, et al. 

6:30 PM  West Virginia Speleological Survey (WVASS) Business Meeting 

The Fall (OTR) Meeting of the West Virginia Speleological Survey. Its agenda includes reports of the various survey and cave-inventory work completed in West Virginia over the past year. Anyone with an interest in such work is invited to attend. 

8:30 PM  Cave Photography—It’s All About the Light
Nikki Fox 

Want to start making cave photos? Nikki Fox, who was a professional photojournalist for 25 years, will discuss the basics of composition, using colors to your advantage, managing negative space, utilizing passages to make leading lines, and applying the Rule of Thirds. Most of this discussion will be focused on techniques used to illuminate a lightless environment. 


8 AM –
9 AM 
Yoga for Cavers
Emilee Goodman 

Emilee will again lead a Hatha Yoga class. This gentle yoga practice helps to revitalize the body and mind to promote overall strength and well-being. “Yoga is a great way to prevent injuries and decrease recovery time physically, while meditation and breath work help with focus and emotional resilience. These skills are helpful in the cave and beyond,” she says. 

We will focus on poses that encourage strength, flexibility, balance, and relaxation. This class is appropriate for all ages and fitness levels! Treat yourself right by exploring the wonderful world of yoga this week. Emilee is excited to share her practice with you.  

Please bring a yoga mat or towel as well as some water. 

9:30 AM – 12 NOON  The Robertson Association (TRA) Business Meeting 

All TRA members are welcome to attend. Bring a chair.