TRA Board

The Robertson Association (or TRA), was named after the founder of Old Timers Reunion (Robbie Robertson, for whom our highest award —the Robbie— also is named). Among many other activities, like wedding receptions and NSS Conventions, OTR is a reunion of Cavers that takes place on the property that TRA owns. Although OTR and TRA are hand-in-hand partners, it is The Robertson Association that maintains a governing Board of Trustees for it to exist as a legally recognized 501c3 nonprofit organization.

TRA Board and Officers
John Vitela – President
Ben Mirabile – Vice President
Ben Johnson – Treasurer
Scott E. Baker – Membership Secretary
Lor Windle – Recording Secretary

Life Trustees  (followed by OTR # each was Chair)
Thomas ‘Tom’ J. C. Williams, Jr. (26-27)
John C. ‘Chuck’ Hempel (32-33)
Bill Bradwell (38-39)
Kelley L. Deem (44-45)
Sharon Brinkman-Windle (48-49)
Chris ‘Fang’ Kramer-Harnage (52-53)
Mike Oatney (54-55)
Tim Brown (58-59)
Jim Forsythe (60-61)
Charlie Williams (62-63)
Stephen Owens (64-65)
Lor Windle (66-67)
Sarah Mosberg (68-69)
David “Shack” Shackelford (70-71)
Ben Mirabile (72-73)
Sarah Richards (74-75) Temporary Trustee

Trustee Emeritus
E.Ray Garton (46-47)
Vic Ward (50-51)

Elected Trustees
Bud Shaw (2nd term, expiring in 2026)
Jeff Bray (1st term, expiring 2026)
Dave Akers (1st term, expiring in 2025)
Rich Geisler (2nd term, expiring in 2025)