The purpose of the TRA Long Range Planning Committee (LRPC) is to advise the TRA Board of Trustees on the merit of various projects proposed to enhance the TRA Property that is used for the annual Old Timers Reunion (OTR) and by groups that rent the TRA Property outside of the time the property is utilized for OTR. During the deliberations of the LRPC, we keep in mind the TRA Site Vision Statement (2019PC1) that was written by the LRCP and approved at the 2019 Spring TRA Board of Trustees Meeting: “The TRA Site Vision Statement: To provide a sustainable venue capable of supporting the annual OTR event with a regular attendance of 2000 persons”. The LRPC reviews each project and makes recommendations based on a project’s contribution to the OTR experience, enhancement to the utilization of the TRA property by third parties, and the level of planning and forethought that has gone into the project. If a project is supported by the LRPC, it is presented to the TRA Budget Committee for funding consideration and then it is forwarded to the TRA Board of Trustees for deliberation, approval, or denial.