Volunteer Opportunites

OTR 2024 Volunteer Opportunities!

OTR wouldn’t happen without the dedicated volunteers that give countless hours of their time before, during, and after OTR to lend a hand. Please become one of them! Make a commitment to help support OTR by volunteering for one or more of these jobs.

Brew Krewe

Brew Krewe is dedicated to keeping the party lubricated Friday thru Sunday nights at the pavilion. Shifts are two hours each, starting at 8 pm. Typical Krewes consist of one leader, who usually acts as a “barback,” filling soda, refilling cups, and keeping the bar neat, and 4 people to pour beer from the taps.

We have a couple new shifts this year to cover the Saturday Caving Festival in the Pavilion! Plus, we have a few nighttime shifts open this year as well. Gather four of your favorite friends or grotto mates, and sign up to pour! More details and instructions will be sent to you closer to the event.

Brew Krewe signup


If you can pull a tap handle, manage a rowdy line of enthusiastic beer drinkers, and keep a smile on your face, then you qualify! Shift Lead slots are reserved for those who have volunteered at Cooters before. If you are new to working at Cooters, please sign up as a Volunteer. There will be a training session on Thursday at 2:00 p.m. to show everyone the ropes. If you can’t make the training session, please contact Sidney Hawkins privately. Must be 21 or older.

Cooters signup

First Aid

If you have ever had a Band-Aid put on you or put one on someone else, you are qualified. If you breathe on average more than 6 times per minute (and less than 24 at rest), you are qualified. If you can sit in a chair, again, qualified. If you know the difference between ice and melted ice (aka, water), you guessed it—qualified. Responsibilities include greeting the sick and injured, selling ice, and calling for help when warranted. No prior healthcare experience or formal training required; we’ll show ya what to do. There are trained medical personnel onsite at all times to respond to medical emergencies.  Must be 18 or older.*

*Exceptions to the age requirement may be made with prior approval from First Aid Crew Chief Phil Goldman.

**NOTE: For students seeking clinical hours, First Aid Crew Chiefs Phil Goldman and Stephen Mosberg are able to sign off on your hours.

First Aid signup


Volunteering at the Gate is a great way to meet new people and make new friends, as you’ll be interacting with everyone passing through the gate! The Gate Managers offer lots of incentives to volunteer – food, drink, door prizes—and even a raffle for those who sign up prior to OTR!! If you or your grotto are interested in volunteering at the gate, please sign up below! If you have questions or want to donate any amazing door prizes, you can find our Gate Managers in the Old Timers Reunion group on Facebook.

Gate signup


Be the smiling face greeting excited OTR attendees! The Registration Krewe needs YOUR help!

No prior experience needed. Sign up for two-hour shifts – volunteers needed daily from registration opening to closing, especially Friday through Sunday. Best part? You get to stay out of the hot sun or the cold rain while chatting with fellow attendees.

Registration signup


If you love the world-class OTR sauna and hot tub facilities, then we would love to have you help keep it fun and safe for all!

Sauna Attendant: These are the folks who keep an eye on things while the sana area is OPEN! There are three basic responsibilities: 1. Keep an eye on the people; intervene only when absolutely necessary. 2. Keep an eye on the facilities; add wood to fires as needed. 3. Keep an eye on the area in general; watch for anything unusual or out of place. First-time volunteers are welcome! We will be happy to give you the rundown at the start of your three-hour volunteer shift.

Sauna Morning Clean-up: This is the daily reset. Basic responsibilities include putting things back where they belong, collecting found items, picking up and appropriately disposing of trash and recyclables, disinfecting the benches, and doing anything else you see that needs to be done. Morning cleanup duty is a one-hour shift.

Sauna signup

Shower Cleanup

All showers are closed daily from 11 a.m to 12 noon to allow for cleanup. It’s a thankless job, but somebody’s got to do it! Will that someone be you? Sign up for one shift, or sign up for all shifts. Your fellow cavers will thank you!

Shower Cleanup signup