Bubbles Fun Run

This is your yearly reminder to pack a red dress and boa and join us for the 4th Annual Bubbles Fun Run Saturday at 12 PM. This event has grown and you never know what fun and shenanigans are to be had. If you knew Bubbles, she would not have had it any other way!

For those of you that are new to this, it starts at the Pavilion where you chug a beer to begin and includes a mile (give or take) run/jog/walk through different areas of the site where there will be easy obstacles and of course, more drinking. Finish line is at Lutz Rock where we finish with Bubbles Funshine and comradery. You do not have to drink to do this so if you do not partake or have children, please still come and enjoy.

If you have any questions, fun ideas to add, or if your grotto/campsite would like to be part of the course to help cheer on and support participants (either emotionally, with drinks, or a cool obstacle) please Contact Stacy Mock.