Sad News…

Bob Gulden, (NSS 13188RL(FE)), passed away peacefully in his sleep this morning. according to his son Dusty & daughter-in-law Nicky.

There are no plans for a service. Bob’s wishes have always been to go to Monster Cavern in Friars Hole, so some of his ashes will be sprinkled in the North Stream where they can make their way to Monster Cavern eventually. Bob was extremely well known as a cave surveyor, cave cartographer, and the keeper of the Long & Deep Caves List. Perhaps his largest contribution is the Friars Hole Cave System map, a cave which is still being explored & mapped (most recently passed 50 miles of mapped passage). Bob also surveyed & drew the map of Cricket Maze Cave. The map still doesn’t have any cross sections, as Bob would point out at every CMCA meeting.

Bob was often one of the first persons to greet OTR registrants and also ran the survey contest for many years.